April 30, 2009 by Gene Foster, M.S.

The first question in the Creation vs. Evolution debate is how the universe came into existence. The Bible says that a Being Who is not subject to natural laws or time created it all from nothing. Many refuse to accept this ‘miraculous’ explanation.

Those who do so, readily accept an equally miraculous explanation from evolution called the “Big Bang”. According to this model, all of the present matter and energy of the universe became concentrated in a dot no larger than the period of a sentence. This mass then exploded, hurling matter and energy outward to eventually form earth and other stellar bodies.

The first question to ask of the evolutionist is from where did this matter and energy originate? Evolutionists insist that everything must have a “natural” origination. That is, that everything in the universe today came about through natural processes overcoming all of the evolutionary obstacles by vast eons of time.

Since evolutionists insist upon naturalism alone for all explanations, then we must put their explanations into the crucible of natural law. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that matter and energy can never be created or destroyed, but only converted between various forms. Since this is true, then it couldn’t have spontaneously formed itself out of nothing! In order to get their cosmic egg for the Big Bang, the evolutionist must resort to ‘just so’ arguments that are not scientific.

So evolution has no scientific explanation for the origination of matter and energy. Next up, what the Second Law of Thermodynamics says about the probability of evolutionary processes.