Jesus Christ created His Church. (Matt. 16:18) The purpose of the Church is to evangelize the world (Mark 16:15). The Church at present consists only of local, independent congregations of born-again, baptized believers in Christ. These churches are to preach Christ to lost sinners, baptize them, and then teach them how to live in service to Christ Jesus. The Head of each church is Jesus Christ; the Pastor is the caretaker of the church; the people arepriests unto God and make up the body of each local church. TheBible is the operating authority and guide for the church. There are only two ordinances of the church; these are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism is by complete immersion of a saved person by a scriptural church. The Lord’s Supper shows the pure body and priceless blood of Christ by taking unleavened bread and puregrape juice as symbolic memorials, respectively. We reject denominational organizations which usurp the scripturally mandated independent nature of the local church.